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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Purple Sparks

Hey Guys!! This look was inspired by this talented makeup artist that I follow on Instagram by the name of @mickiepeezie. She just has the perfect eye for color combinations and they're so perfectly blended!! LOL She posted this look that had glitter in you know I had to give it a go!! Here's my version of her work! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

To Exfoliate Or To Not To Exfoliate??? That is the Question...

Do you exfoliate??? I love exfoliating! I do it almost every night (i know we're not supposed to!) lol but I can't help it! My face just feels so clean and fresh when I do!! I haven't really had any break outs since I started exfoliating more often.

What is exfoliating? Exfoliating is the removal of dead and dry skin, leaving you with glowing healthy skin! It also unclogs your pores, fades age spots as well as any blemishes you may have. I've been a huge fan of the St. Ives Apricot Blemish Control scrub. It's always available and very affordable (BJs pack of 3/$9.99). What do you guys like to use if you do exfoliate?

Friday, January 11, 2013

MAKEOVER MONDAY 1/14/13: Rhinestone Glitz & Glam

Hey guys!!! So there's this rhinestone trend that was going around on Instagram (@ashlyn_mua) and I decided to give it a try!! Hopefully you guys like this look! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

MAKEOVER MONDAYS 12/31/12: New Years Makeup

Hope you guys had a safe and fun New Years Eve!!! This is a look I created on my friend...and you know that it isn't a New Years Eve look without glitter!! So here's your small glitter fix! Enjoy!

MAKEOVER TUESDAY* 12/25/12: Olive Smoke

Hey guys!!! This is my lovely friend Yveline!! She's naturally beautiful...but she's absolutely GORGEOUS with her makeup done!! One of my most popular looks by far!!! Hope you guys like this!!

MAKEOVER MONDAY 12/17/12: Grey Friday

Hey guys!!! I purchased the limited edition lipstick from MAC called Grey Friday!! I absolutely love this lipstick! It's a satin finish so it leaves your lips finishing very moisturized! Only draw back is that it isn't very you have to apply a few coats to get the opaqueness you want. Other than that...a great lipstick that I would recommend to others! (See how I threw in a mini review?? lol). I hope you guys enjoy this look!!

MAKEOVER MONDAY 12/12/12: Nicki Minaj "The Boys" Inspired

Hey guys!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Can you believe it's already 2013??? So I've been slacking big time on posting as often as I should be on apologies!! But I'm going to be posting a couple things back to back to catch up!!!

This look was inspired by Nicki Minaj's "The Boys" video. YOu guys know I love anything with glitter in I had to give this a try!! Hope you guys like my recreation of the look!